picture of different emotions

The Family Emotion Ecology Lab (FEELab) was established in 2023 within the Department of Psychological Science at the University of Arkansas. FEELab is directed by Dr. Lin Tan. Our research explores how children’s emotional development is shaped by their family contexts. We are looking for passionate and curious students who share our research interest to join us.

Graduate Students

Dr. Tan will be accepting a new graduate student for Fall 2025. If you are interested in FEELab’s research themes on family and emotion, we encourage you to apply. Feel free to email Dr. Tan (lintan@uark.edu) about your plans to apply and any questions you may have. 

The application deadline is December 1, 2024. For details on applying to the Experimental Psychology Ph.D. Program at the University of Arkansas, see the Program Page

Undergraduate Research Assistant Positions

The FEELab has filled all research assistant positions for Fall 2024. If you are interested in applying, please check our website at the end of the fall semester for potential openings. Please see the attached flyer for more information or complete the attached undergraduate RA application and send it with your CV/resume to feelab@uark.edu. All applications are due by November 22, 2024.

Undergraduate Honors Thesis

Dr. Tan offers guidance for undergraduate honors theses.

  • Students interested in pursuing their thesis project with Dr. Tan as their primary thesis advisor must first work as a Research Assistant (RA) in the FEELab for a minimum of one semester and successfully complete the RA term before starting the thesis project. This prerequisite ensures students are familiar with Dr. Tan’s research areas and methods, facilitating a more productive thesis experience.
  • Dr. Tan is also available to serve as a thesis committee member. This role does not require the RA commitment.

Important Deadlines: Be aware of submission deadlines for Forms A, B, and C based on your intended graduation timeline. Meeting these deadlines is crucial for timely thesis completion.